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Just Once

钟镇涛 JUst Once - 钟镇涛@H_123_0@ I dId mY best bUt I gUess mY best wasn't good enoUgh@H_123_0@ 'CaUse here we are back where we were before@H_123_0@ Seems nothIng ever changes@H_123_0@ We're back to beIng strangers@H_123_0@ WonderIng If we oUght to staY or head on oUt the door@H_123_0@ JUst once, can we fIgUre oUt@H_123_0@ What we keep doIng wrong@H_123_0@ WhY we never last for verY long@H_123_0@ What are we doIng wrong@H_123_0@ JUst once, can't we fInd a waY to fInallY make It rIght@H_123_0@ To make the magIc last for more than jUst one nIght@H_123_0@ If we coUld jUst get to It@H_123_0@ I know we coUld break throUgh It@H_123_0@ I gave mY all bUt I thInk mY all maY have been too mUch@H_123_0@ CaUse Lord knows we're not gettIng anYwhere@H_123_0@ Seems we're alwaYs bLowIng@H_123_0@ Whatever we've got goIng@H_123_0@ And It seems at tImes wIth all we've got@H_123_0@ We haven't got a frIend@H_123_0@ JUst once, can we fIgUre oUt@H_123_0@ What we keep doIng wrong@H_123_0@ WhY we never last for verY long@H_123_0@ What are we doIng wrong@H_123_0@ What are we doIng wrong@H_123_0@ JUst once, can't we fInd a waY to fInallY make It rIght@H_123_0@ To make the magIc last for more than jUst one nIght@H_123_0@ I know we coUld break throUgh It@H_123_0@ If we coUld jUst get to It jUst once@H_123_0@ I want to Understand@H_123_0@ WhY It alwaYs comes back to goodbYe@H_123_0@ WhY can't we get oUrselves In hand@H_123_0@ And admIt to one another@H_123_0@ We're no good wIthoUt each other@H_123_0@ Take the best and make It better@H_123_0@ FInd a waY to staY Together@H_123_0@ JUst once, can't we fInd a waY to fInallY make It rIght@H_123_0@ To make the magIc last for more than jUst one nIght@H_123_0@ I know we coUld break throUgh It@H_123_0@ If we coUld jUst get to It jUst once

《Just Once》


I'd Love You To Want Me
Let It Be