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钟镇涛 WrItten:BrYan Adams/JIm Vallance@H_123_0@ Arranger:王继康/钟镇涛@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ 原唱:布莱恩亚当斯@H_123_0@ Oh, thInkIn' aboUt all oUr YoUnger Years@H_123_0@ There was Only YoU and me@H_123_0@ We were YoUng and wIld and free@H_123_0@ Now nothIn' can take YoU awaY from me@H_123_0@ We've been down that road before@H_123_0@ BUt that's over now@H_123_0@ YoU keep me comIn' back for more@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ BabY YoU're all that I want@H_123_0@ When YoU're lYIn' here In mY arms@H_123_0@ I'm fIndIn' It hard to belIeve@H_123_0@ We're In heaven@H_123_0@ Love Is all that I need@H_123_0@ And I foUnd It there In YoUr heart@H_123_0@ It Isn't too hard to see@H_123_0@ We're In heaven@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ Oh, once In YoUr lIfe YoU fInd @R_965_1575@@H_123_0@ Who wIll tUrn YoUr world aroUnd@H_123_0@ BrIng YoU Up when YoU're feelIn' down@H_123_0@ Yeah, nothIn' coUld change what YoU mean to me@H_123_0@ Oh, there's lots that I coUld saY@H_123_0@ JUst hold me now@H_123_0@ 'CaUse oUr love wIll Light the waY@H_123_0@ @H_123_0@ I've been waItIn' for so long@H_123_0@ For somethIn' to arrIve@H_123_0@ For love to come along@H_123_0@ Now oUr dreams are comIn' trUe@H_123_0@ ThroUgh the good tImes and the bad@H_123_0@ Yeah, I'll be standIn' there bY YoU



I Honestly Love You
Why Worry