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A Little Bit More

张国荣 When YoU Body's had enoUgh of me and@H_236_0@ I'm laYIng flat oUt on the floor@H_236_0@ When YoU thInk I've loved YoU all I can@H_236_0@ I'm golla love YoU a lIttle bIt more@H_236_0@ Come on over and laY bY mY sIde@H_236_0@ I've got to be toUchIng YoU@H_236_0@ Let me rUb YoUr tIred shoUlders@H_236_0@ The waY I Used to do@H_236_0@ Look In to mY eYes, and gIves me that Smile@H_236_0@ The ont that alwaYs tUrns me on@H_236_0@ And let me take YoUr haIr down@H_236_0@ cUase we're standIng Up to great the sUn@H_236_0@ Got to saY a few thIngs, that have been In mY mInd@H_236_0@ And YoU know where mY mInd has been@H_236_0@ I gUess I learned mY lessons@H_236_0@ And now's the tIme to beGin@H_236_0@ So If YoU're feelIng alrIght and YoU're readY for me@H_236_0@ I know that I'm readY for YoU@H_236_0@ We'd better get It on now@H_236_0@ caUse we got to a whole lIfe to lIve throUgh

《A Little Bit More》


Just The Way You Are
Pistol Packin' Melody