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Good Morning Sorrow

张国荣 I wake Up wIth the sUn In the mornIng@H_235_0@ And once agaIn I fInd YoU're wIth me and I know@H_235_0@ YoU're the Only one who can help to make It easY@H_235_0@ So here we are, YoU and I, good mornIng sorrow@H_235_0@ JUst lIke before I lean on YoU@H_235_0@ YoU're the one frIend who's trUe@H_235_0@ Who needs answers when there's nothIng left to saY@H_235_0@ WhY shoUld I hear It all agaIn@H_235_0@ How tImes easIes paIn@H_235_0@ When nothIng can brIng back YesterdaY@H_235_0@ I wake Up wIth the sUn In the mornIng@H_235_0@ Leave the phone off the hook so I'm bUsY all daY long@H_235_0@ The coffee's growIng cold mY books lIe Unopened@H_235_0@ Here we are once agaIn good mornIng sorrow@H_235_0@ JUst lIke before I lean on YoU@H_235_0@ MY frIend YoU never knew@H_235_0@ What If Feels lIke to be In love thIs waY@H_235_0@ MaYbe the Years wIll heal the paIn@H_235_0@ MaYbe I'll even love agaIn@H_235_0@ BUt nothIng can brIng back YesterdaY

《Good Morning Sorrow》


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