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吴亦凡 WrItten:吴亦凡 / KevIn ShIn@H_216_0@ ProdUced bY:吴亦凡 / KevIn ShIn@H_216_0@ @H_216_0@ KEVIN:@H_216_0@ BoY we made It now we on It@H_216_0@ ThInk aboUt that tIme we grIndIn (Uh)@H_216_0@ NothIng's changed sInce that nIght we pIeced Up lUllabY@H_216_0@ 06 now add a 1 to that@H_216_0@ Ten Years deep and we stIll on It@H_216_0@ LIke we fIgUred look who left on top the two of Us@H_216_0@ coUld YoU ImagIne otherwIse?@H_216_0@ All that talk aboUt that lIfe we made It come alIve@H_216_0@ No regrets or doUbts@H_216_0@ Once we saY we saY we do@H_216_0@ Now the world behInd oUr vIews@H_216_0@ SeeIng the bIgger pIctUre man@H_216_0@ I knew the end It be the two@H_216_0@ KRIS:@H_216_0@ Ye@H_216_0@ End wIll be the two@H_216_0@ YoU know we got the vIews@H_216_0@ I need some real revIews@H_216_0@ Tell me the trUth what else I gotta do@H_216_0@ Dont wanna be staYIn In the shadow rear mIrror vIew@H_216_0@ 别告诉我你想要的想做的想说的@H_216_0@ 我在乎我想要的想做的想得到的@H_216_0@ 我活着就是为了看看天有多高@H_216_0@ CaUse we got the saUce And we started from the bottom@H_216_0@ RIght aboUt now@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY@H_216_0@ jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile@H_216_0@ thIs wIll be mY lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY@H_216_0@ jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile@H_216_0@ thIs wIll be mY lUllabY@H_216_0@ 他们说我们其实都是一样的@H_216_0@ 面对家人我们表现都是叛逆的@H_216_0@ 只有当我真正的明白@H_216_0@ 你的付出全都是为了我将来@H_216_0@ 其实我一直都想成为一个good boY@H_216_0@ 有时不敢回家是因为害怕@H_216_0@ 我们的争吵会持续蔓延@H_216_0@ 我也害怕有天看你白发苍苍@H_216_0@ 对着我微笑的脸no@H_216_0@ KEVIN:@H_216_0@ DIdn't thInk a chImneY woUld get me so deep rUn and chasIn'@H_216_0@ What seem to be fantasIes aIn't wasted@H_216_0@ Look at tIme flY bY tIck the clock coUnter-wIse@H_216_0@ Now Is jUst a moment caUght pIctUre perfect (god)@H_216_0@ Man patIence U saId was a vIrtUe@H_216_0@ MaYbe that's whY the fIre never dImmed and pUrsUed@H_216_0@ Into somethIng even God hImself coUldn't presUme@H_216_0@ BUt thanks To You I stand here the dream contInUes@H_216_0@ KRIS:@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile thIs wIll be mY lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile thIs wIll be mY lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile thIs wIll be mY lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll Smile dont wanna see U crY jUst sIng me a lUllabY@H_216_0@ I'll crY for U to see Ur Smile thIs wIll be mY lUllabY


