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在那遥远的地方 + Happy

吴亦凡 在那遥远的地方@H_357_0@ 有位好姑娘@H_357_0@ 人们过了她的帐房@H_357_0@ 都要回头留恋地张望@H_357_0@ 她那粉笑脸@H_357_0@ 好像太阳@H_357_0@ 她那美丽动人的眼睛@H_357_0@ 好像晚上明媚的月亮@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ 在那遥远的地方@H_357_0@ 有位好姑娘@H_357_0@ 人们过了她的帐房@H_357_0@ 都要回头留恋地张望@H_357_0@ 我愿做一只小羊@H_357_0@ 跟在她身旁@H_357_0@ 我愿她拿着细细的皮鞭@H_357_0@ 不断轻轻打在我身上@H_357_0@ 我愿她拿着细细的皮鞭@H_357_0@ 不断轻轻打在我身上@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ It mIght seem crazY what I'm aboUt to saY@H_357_0@ SUnshIne she's here YoU can take awaY@H_357_0@ I'm a hot aIr balloon that coUld go to space@H_357_0@ WIth the aIr lIke I Don't care babY bY the waY@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke a room wIthoUt a roof@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke happIness Is the trUth@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU know what happIness Is To You@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke that's what YoU wanna do@H_357_0@ BrIng me down Come on@H_357_0@ BrIng me down@H_357_0@ Love Is too @R_116_2490@ to brIng me down@H_357_0@ Come on@H_357_0@ BrIng me down@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke a room wIthoUt a roof@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke happIness Is the trUth@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU know what happIness Is To You@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke that's what YoU wanna do@H_357_0@ BecaUse I'm @R_116_2490@@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke happIness Is the trUth@H_357_0@ Clap along If YoU feel lIke a room wIthoUt a roof

《在那遥远的地方 + Happy 》

