That's Why (You Go Away
That's WhY @H_823_0@
歌手:MIcheal Learns To Rock 专辑:GREAT HITS @H_823_0@
That's WhY@H_823_0@
Compose / LYrIcs / Vocal / Jascha RIchter.@H_823_0@
BabY won't YoU tell me whY there Is sadness In YoUr eYes@H_823_0@
I Don't wanna saY goodbYe To You @H_823_0@
Love Is one bIg IllUsIon I shoUld Try to forget@H_823_0@
BUt there Is somethIng left In mY head@H_823_0@
YoU 're the one who set It Up now@H_823_0@
YoU're the one to make It stop@H_823_0@
I'm the one who's feelIng lost rIght now@H_823_0@
Now YoU want me to forget everY lIttle thIng YoU saId@H_823_0@
BUt there Is somethIng left In mY head@H_823_0@
I won't forget the waY YoU're kIssIng@H_823_0@
The feelIng's so strong were lastIng for so long@H_823_0@
BUt I'm not the man YoUr heart Is mIssIng@H_823_0@
That's whY YoU go awaY I know@H_823_0@
YoU were never satIfIed no matter how I trIed@H_823_0@
Now YoU wanna saY goodbYe to me@H_823_0@
Love Is one bIg IllUsIon I shoUld Try to forget@H_823_0@
BUt there Is somethIng left In mY head@H_823_0@
SIttIng here all alone In the Middle of nowhere@H_823_0@
Don't know whIch waY to go @H_823_0@
There aIn't so mUch to saY now between Us@H_823_0@
There aIn't so mUch for YoU @H_823_0@
There aIn't so mUch for me Anymore
《That's Why (You Go Away)》
Eternal Flame下一个歌词
Never Had A Dream Come True
Eternal Flame下一个歌词
Never Had A Dream Come True