I.0. I. I. I. I. I. I.0. I.0. I.o. @H_116_0@
I.o. I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. @H_116_0@
YoU know I love gettIng Up In the mornIng @H_116_0@
when the sUn fIrst strIkes the trees @H_116_0@
all the mornIng bIrds that sIng above @H_116_0@
stIll brIng back Memories @H_116_0@
of a gIrl who stood besIde me @H_116_0@
when the rIghts I dId were wrong @H_116_0@
bUt she went back down the rIver @H_116_0@
jUst when I thoUght I coUld be strong @H_116_0@
when I thoUght I coUld be strong, @H_116_0@
so come on @H_116_0@
I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. @H_116_0@
I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.0. @H_116_0@
she never told me whY she left me @H_116_0@
bUt the letter saY goodbYe @H_116_0@
now mY mornIngs are for wond'rIng @H_116_0@
and mY nIghts to Reason whY @H_116_0@
whY a stranger comes to steal the love @H_116_0@
of a gIrl I had to own @H_116_0@
bUt she went back down the rIver @H_116_0@
jUst when I thoUght I coUld be strong @H_116_0@
when I thoUght I coUld be strong, @H_116_0@
so I saY @H_116_0@
I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. @H_116_0@
I sIng, I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. @H_116_0@
I sIng, I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. @H_116_0@
I.o. I.0. @H_116_0@
I.o. I.I.I.I.I.I.o. I.o. I.o
China Girl
China Girl