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i hate u i love u

欧美排行榜 feelIng Used@H_577_0@ bUt I'm@H_577_0@ stIll mIssIng YoU@H_577_0@ and I can't@H_577_0@ see the end of thIs@H_577_0@ jUst wanna feel YoUr kIss@H_577_0@ agaInst mY lIps@H_577_0@ and now all thIs tIme@H_577_0@ Is passIng bY@H_577_0@ bUt I stIll can't seem to tell YoU whY@H_577_0@ It hUrts me everY tIme I see YoU@H_577_0@ realIze how mUch I need YoU@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I love YoU@H_577_0@ don't want to, bUt I can't pUt@H_577_0@ noBody else above YoU@H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I want YoU@H_577_0@ YoU want her, YoU need her@H_577_0@ and I'll never be her@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ I mIss YoU when I can’t sleep@H_577_0@ or rIght after coffee@H_577_0@ or rIght when I can’t eat@H_577_0@ I mIss YoU In mY front seat@H_577_0@ stIll got sand In mY sweaters@H_577_0@ from nIghts we don’t remember@H_577_0@ do YoU mIss me lIke I mIss YoU?@H_577_0@ fUcked aroUnd and got attached To You@H_577_0@ frIends can break YoUr heart too, and@H_577_0@ I’m alwaYs tIred bUt never of YoU@H_577_0@ If I pUlled a YoU on YoU, YoU woUldn’t lIke that shIt@H_577_0@ I pUt thIs real oUt, bUt YoU woUldn’t bIte that shIt@H_577_0@ I tYpe a teXt bUt then I never mInd that shIt@H_577_0@ I got these feelIngs bUt YoU never mInd that shIt@H_577_0@ oh oh, keep It on the Low@H_577_0@ YoU’re stIll In love wIth me bUt YoUr frIends don’t know@H_577_0@ If YoU wanted me YoU woUld jUst saY so@H_577_0@ and If I were YoU, I woUld never let me go@H_577_0@ I Don’t mean no harm@H_577_0@ I jUst mIss YoU on mY arm@H_577_0@ weddIng bells were jUst alarms@H_577_0@ caUtIon tape aroUnd mY heart@H_577_0@ YoU ever wonder what we coUlda been?@H_577_0@ YoU saId YoU woUldn’t and YoU fUckIng dId@H_577_0@ lIe to me, lIe wIth me, get YoUr fUckIng fIX@H_577_0@ now all mY drInks and all mY feelIngs are all fUckIng mIXed@H_577_0@ alwaYs mIssIng people that I shoUldn’t be mIssIng@H_577_0@ sometImes YoU gotta bUrn some brIdges jUst to create some dIstance@H_577_0@ I know that I control mY thoUghts, and I shoUld stop remInIscIng@H_577_0@ bUt I learned from mY dad that It’s good to have feelIngs@H_577_0@ when love and trUst are gone@H_577_0@ I gUess thIs Is movIng on@H_577_0@ everYone I Do rIght does me wrong@H_577_0@ so everY lonelY nIght, I sIng thIs song@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I love YoU@H_577_0@ don’t want to, bUt I can’t pUt@H_577_0@ noBody else above YoU@H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I want YoU@H_577_0@ YoU want her, YoU need her@H_577_0@ and I’ll never be her@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ all alone I watch YoU watch her@H_577_0@ lIke she’s the Only gIrl YoU’ve ever seen@H_577_0@ YoU don’t care U never dId@H_577_0@ YoU don’t gIve a damn aboUt me@H_577_0@ Yeah all alone I watch YoU watch her@H_577_0@ she’s the Only thIng YoU’ve ever seen@H_577_0@ how Is It YoU never notIce@H_577_0@ that YoU are sLowlY kIllIng me@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I love YoU@H_577_0@ don’t want to, bUt I can’t pUt@H_577_0@ noBody else above YoU@H_577_0@ I hate YoU I love YoU@H_577_0@ I hate that I want YoU@H_577_0@ YoU want her, YoU need her@H_577_0@ and I’ll never be her

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