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欧美排行榜 MIXer:MaddoX ChhIm@H_576_0@ AssIstant MIXer:DavId NakajI / Abel TesfaYe@H_576_0@ EngIneer:Jaycen-JoshUa@H_576_0@ ProdUcer:DaHeala / ShIn KamIYama@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ EnjoY YoUr prIvIleged lIfe@H_576_0@ 'CaUse I'm not gonna hold YoU throUgh the nIght@H_576_0@ We saId oUr last goodbYes@H_576_0@ So let's jUst Try to end It wIth a Smile@H_576_0@ And I Don't wanna hear that YoU are sUfferIng@H_576_0@ YoU are sUfferIng no more@H_576_0@ 'CaUse I held YoU down when YoU were sUfferIng@H_576_0@ YoU were sUfferIng@H_576_0@ Lose YoUr waY waY waY@H_576_0@ I got two red pIlls to take the blUes awaY@H_576_0@ BlUes awaY waY waY@H_576_0@ I got two red pIlls to take the blUes awaY@H_576_0@ And I'ma fUck the paIn awaY and I know I'll be okaY@H_576_0@ TheY saId oUr love Is jUst a game I Don't care what theY saY@H_576_0@ BUt I'ma drInk the paIn awaY I'll be back to mY old waYs@H_576_0@ And I got two red pIlls to take the blUes awaY oh@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ I Don't wanna hear that no more no more@H_576_0@ No more no more@H_576_0@ I Don't wanna hear that no more


Cheap Thrills
Uptown Funk