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欧美排行榜 I'm hUrtIn babY, I'm broken down
I need YoUr lovIn, lovIn I need It now
When I'm wIthoUt YoU, I'm somethIn weak
YoU got me beggIn beggIn, I'm on mY knees

I Don't wanna be needIn YoUr love
I jUst wanna be deep In YoUr love
And It's kIllIn me when YoU're awaY (ohh babY)
CaUse I reallY don't care where YoU are
I jUst wanna be there where YoU are
And I gotta get one lIttle taste

YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me

MY broken pIeces YoU pIck them Up
Don't leave me hangIn hangIn come gIve me some
When I'm wIthoUt Ya so InsecUre
YoU are the one thIng one thIng I'm lIvIn for

I Don't wanna be needIn YoUr love
I jUst wanna be deep In YoUr love
And It's kIllIn me when YoU're awaY (ohh babY)
CaUse I reallY don't care where YoU are
I jUst wanna be there where YoU are
And I gotta get one lIttle taste

YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and poUr It down on me

I want that red velvet I want that sUgar sweet
Don't let noBody toUch It Unless that someBody's me
I gotta be YoUr man there aIn't no other waY
CaUse gIrl YoU're hotter than a soUthern CalIfornIa baY
I Don't wanna @R_257_3704@ no games YoU don't gotta be afraId
Don't gIve me all that shY shIt no make Up on that's mY (sUgar)

SUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me
SUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me

Adam LevIne: Vocals, GUItars | MIckeY Madden: Bass | Matt FlYnn: DrUms
James ValentIne: GUItars | Jesse CarmIchael: KeYs | PJ Morton: KeYs

ProdUced bY Ammo & CIrkUt for PrescrIptIon Songs
MIXed bY Serban Ghenea
Vocals bY Adam LevIne
All InstrUments and ProgrammIng bY Maroon 5, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt
GUItar bY James ValentIne and Dr. LUke
Bass bY MIckeY Madden
SYnth Bass bY Dr. LUke
DrUms and PercUssIon bY Matt FlYnn, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt
Core PercUssIon bY CIrkUt
KeYboards bY PJ Morton, Jesse CarmIchael, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt
InstrUment TechnIcIan bY ArtIe SmIth
AddItIonal Vocals bY MIke Posner
EngIneered bY DoUg McKean, ClInt GIbbs, Noah PassovoY and Jonathan Sher
AssIsted bY John Armstrong, ErIc EYlands, Rachael FIndlen and Cameron MontgomerY
Recorded at ConwaY RecordIng StUdIos, HollYwood, CA, LUke's In the Boo, MalIbU, CA and The MothershIp, Sherman Oaks, CA
MIXed at MIXStar StUdIos, VIrgInIa Beach, VA
EngIneered for MIX bY John Hanes
Band ProdUced and engIneered bY Noah PassovoY
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd, NYC
PUblIshed bY SUdgee 2 MUsIc (BMI) admInIstered bY Songs of Kobalt MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI),
Each Note CoUnts/PrescrIptIon Songs (ASCAP) (adm. bY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng, Inc.),
Kasz @R_9@R_257_4340@_2562@ PUblIshIng (ASCAP), J.Kasher MUsIc/PrescrIptIon Songs/SonY/ATV TUnes LLC/KevInthecItY PUblIshIng (ASCAP),
North GreenwaY ProdUctIons (ASCAP) / AdmIn bY SonY/ATV TUnes LLC (ASCAP),
OneIrologY PUblIshIng/PrescrIptIon Songs (ASCAP)

