I mIss the taste of a sweeter lIfe@H_574_0@
I mIss the conversatIon@H_574_0@
I'm searchIng for a song tonIght@H_574_0@
I'm changIng all of the statIons@H_574_0@
I lIke to thInk that we had It all@H_574_0@
We drew a map to a better place@H_574_0@
BUt on that road I took a Fall@H_574_0@
Oh babY whY dId YoU rUn awaY?@H_574_0@
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest tImes@H_574_0@
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest nIghts@H_574_0@
BUt I wonder where were YoU? @H_574_0@
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees@H_574_0@
And YoU saId YoU had mY back @H_574_0@
So I wonder where were YoU?@H_574_0@
When all the roads YoU took came back to me@H_574_0@
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You @H_574_0@
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng@H_574_0@
I hear YoUr voIce In mY sleep at nIght@H_574_0@
Hard to resIst temptatIon@H_574_0@
CaUse somethIng strange has come over me@H_574_0@
And now I can't get over YoU@H_574_0@
No I jUst can't get over YoU@H_574_0@
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest tImes@H_574_0@
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest nIghts@H_574_0@
BUt I wonder where were YoU?@H_574_0@
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees@H_574_0@
And YoU saId YoU had mY back @H_574_0@
So I wonder where were YoU?@H_574_0@
When all the roads YoU took came back to me@H_574_0@
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You @H_574_0@
Oh oh oh@H_574_0@
Oh oh oh@H_574_0@
Ya Ya Ya@H_574_0@
Ah ah ah@H_574_0@
Oh I was there for YoU@H_574_0@
Oh In YoUr darkest tIme@H_574_0@
Oh I was there for YoU@H_574_0@
Oh In YoUr darkest nIght@H_574_0@
Oh I was there for YoU@H_574_0@
Oh In YoUr darkest tIme@H_574_0@
Oh I was there for YoU@H_574_0@
Oh In YoUr darkest nIght@H_574_0@
BUt I wonder where were YoU? @H_574_0@
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees@H_574_0@
And YoU saId YoU had mY back @H_574_0@
So I wonder where were YoU?@H_574_0@
When all the roads YoU took came back to me@H_574_0@
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You@H_574_0@
AIn't nothIn' I can do@H_574_0@
The map that leads To You @H_574_0@
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng@H_574_0@
Adam LevIne: Vocals, GUItars | MIckeY Madden: Bass | Matt FlYnn: DrUms@H_574_0@
James ValentIne: GUItars | Jesse CarmIchael: KeYs | PJ Morton: KeYs@H_574_0@
ProdUced bY: BennY Blanco for Matza Ball ProdUctIons, Inc., RYan Tedder and Noel Zancanella@H_574_0@
AddItIonal ProdUctIon bY: Noah PassovoY@H_574_0@
MIXed bY: Serban Ghenea@H_574_0@
InstrUmentatIon & ProgrammIng bY: BennY Blanco, RYan Tedder and Noel Zancanella@H_574_0@
Vocals bY: Adam LevIne@H_574_0@
Lead GUItars bY: James ValentIne@H_574_0@
Bass bY: MIckeY Madden@H_574_0@
DrUms and PercUssIon bY: Matt FlYnn@H_574_0@
KeYboards bY: PJ Morton and Jesse CarmIchael@H_574_0@
AddItIonal Vocals and Handclaps bY: Sam Schamberg, Jason FIelds, TravIs Leete and Shawn Tellez@H_574_0@
EngIneered bY: ChrIs "Anger Management" SclafanI, Noah PassovoY and Matthew Tryba@H_574_0@
AssIsted bY: Bradford H. SmIth and ErIc EYlands@H_574_0@
ProdUctIon CoordInatIon bY: Andrew "McMUffIn" LUftman, SeIf "Mageef" HUssaIn, JeremY "Jboogs" LevIn and DavId "DsIlb" SIlbersteIn@H_574_0@
Recorded and Tracked at: Record Plant (Los Angeles, CA), PatrIot StUdIos (Denver, CO), Matzah Ball@H_574_0@
StUdIo (NY, NY), ConwaY StUdIos (Los Angeles, CA)@H_574_0@
MIXed at: MIXstar StUdIos (VIrgInIa Beach, VA)@H_574_0@
EngIneered for MIX bY: John Hanes@H_574_0@
AssIstant EngIneer for MIX bY: PhIl Seaford@H_574_0@
Band ProdUced and engIneered bY Noah PassovoY@H_574_0@
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd, NYC@H_574_0@
PUblIshed bY: SUdgee 2 MUsIc (BMI), admInIstered bY Songs of Kobalt MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI), @H_574_0@
WrIte 2 LIve / Adm bY Kobalt (ASCAP), @H_574_0@
Matza Ballzack MUsIc / Where Da Kasz At (BMI), @H_574_0@
MarU Cha Cha / Lotzah Balls SoUp / Where Da Kasz At (BMI),@H_574_0@
BlAstronaut / PatrIot Games, all rIghts adm. bY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI)
All Falls Down下一个歌词
All Falls Down下一个歌词