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欧美排行榜 WrItten bY:Ed Sheeran / BeYoncé@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ Ed Sheeran:@H_163_0@ I foUnd a love for me@H_163_0@ Oh darlIng jUst dIve rIght In and folLow mY lead@H_163_0@ Well I foUnd a gIrl beaUtIfUl and sweet@H_163_0@ Oh I never knew YoU were the @R_980_1575@ waItIng for me@H_163_0@ 'CaUse we were jUst kIds when we fell In love@H_163_0@ Not knowIng what It was@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ I wIll not gIve YoU Up thIs tIme@H_163_0@ DarlIng jUst kIss me sLow YoUr heart Is all I own@H_163_0@ And In YoUr eYes YoU're holdIng mIne@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ BabY I'm dancIng In the dark wIth YoU between mY arms@H_163_0@ Barefoot on the grass lIstenIng to oUr favoUrIte song@H_163_0@ When YoU saId YoU looked a mess I whIspered Underneath mY breath@H_163_0@ BUt YoU heard It darlIng YoU look perfect tonIght@H_163_0@ @H_163_0@ BeYoncé:@H_163_0@ Well I foUnd a man Stronger than anYone I know@H_163_0@ He shares mY dreams I hope that somedaY we'll share oUr home@H_163_0@ I foUnd a love to carrY more than jUst My Secrets@H_163_0@ To carrY love to carrY chIldren of oUr own@H_163_0@ We are stIll kIds bUt we're so In love@H_163_0@ FIghtIng agaInst all odds@H_163_0@ I know we'll be alrIght thIs tIme@H_163_0@ DarlIng jUst hold mY hand@H_163_0@ Be YoUr gIrl YoU'll be mY man@H_163_0@ And I see mY fUtUre In YoUr eYes@H_163_0@ BabY I'm dancIng In the dark wIth YoU between mY arms@H_163_0@ Barefoot on the grass@H_163_0@ Both:@H_163_0@ We're lIstenIng to oUr favorIte song@H_163_0@ Ed Sheeran:@H_163_0@ When I saw YoU In that dress@H_163_0@ Both:@H_163_0@ LookIng so beaUtIfUl@H_163_0@ I Don't deserve thIs darlIng YoU look perfect tonIght@H_163_0@ Oh babY I'm dancIng In the dark wIth YoU between mY arms@H_163_0@ Barefoot on the grass we're lIstenIng to oUr favorIte song@H_163_0@ I have faIth In what I see@H_163_0@ Now I know I have met@H_163_0@ BeYoncé:@H_163_0@ An angel In person@H_163_0@ Both:@H_163_0@ And she looks perfect@H_163_0@ Ed Sheeran:@H_163_0@ I Don't deserve thIs@H_163_0@ Both:@H_163_0@ YoU look perfect tonIght


Shape of You
Look At Me Now