Welcome To New York
WalkIng throUgh a crowd@H_657_0@
The vIllage Is agLow@H_657_0@
KaleIdoscope of Loud heartbeats@H_657_0@
Under coats@H_657_0@
EverYBody here wanted somethIng more@H_657_0@
SearchIng for a soUnd we hadn't heard before@H_657_0@
And It saId@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
It's been waItIng for YoU@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
It's been waItIng for YoU@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
It's a new soUndtrack @H_657_0@
I coUld Dance to thIs beat, beat@H_657_0@
Forever more@H_657_0@
The Lights are so brIght@H_657_0@
BUt theY never blInd me, me@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
It's been waItIng for YoU@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
Welcome to New York@H_657_0@
When we fIrst dropped oUr bags@H_657_0@
On apartment floors@H_657_0@
Took oUr broken hearts@H_657_0@
PUt them In a drawer@H_657_0@
EverYBody here was @R_311_1575@ else before@H_657_0@
And YoU can want who YoU want@H_657_0@
BoYs and boYs and gIrls and gIrls@H_657_0@
LIke anY great love@H_657_0@
It keeps YoU gUessIng@H_657_0@
LIke anY real love@H_657_0@
It's ever changIng@H_657_0@
LIke anY trUe love@H_657_0@
It drIves YoU crazY@H_657_0@
BUt YoU know YoU woUldn't change @H_657_0@
AnYthIng, anYthIng, anYthIng...@H_657_0@
ProdUced bY RYan Tedder, Noel Zancanella & TaYlor SwIft @H_657_0@
Recorded bY RYan Tedder & SmIth Carlson at ConwaY StUdIos (Los Angeles, CA)@H_657_0@
AssIsted bY ErIc EYlands, Matthew Tryba @H_657_0@
MIXed bY Serban Ghenea at MIXStar StUdIos (VIrgInIa Beach, VA) @H_657_0@
EngIneered for mIX bY John Hanes @H_657_0@
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd (New York, NY) @H_657_0@
PIano - RYan Tedder @H_657_0@
JUno - RYan Tedder @H_657_0@
DrUm ProgrammIng – Noel Zancanella@H_657_0@
SYnthesIzer – Noel Zancanella @H_657_0@
BackgroUnd Vocals – RYan Tedder @H_657_0@
RYan Tedder appears coUrtesY of MosleY MUsIc/Interscope Records@H_657_0@
© 2014 SonY/ATV Tree PUblIshIng / TaYlor SwIft MUsIc (BMI), @H_657_0@
WrIte Me A Song PUblIshIng (GMR) (AdmInIstered BY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng, Inc.)
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