Save The Best ForLast
Save The Best ForLast (LIve) - 林欣彤
SometImes the snow comes down In JUne
SometImes the sUn goes roUnd the moon
I see the @R_10_1682@ In YoUr eYes
SometImes It's all a bIg sUrprIse
CaUse there was a tIme when all I dId was wIsh
YoU'd tell me thIs was love
It's not the waY I hoped or how I planned
BUt somehow It's enoUgh
And now we're standIng face to face
Isn't thIs world a crazY place
JUst when I thoUght oUr chance had passed
YoU go and save the best for last
YoU go and save the best for last
Save The Best ForLast (LIve) - 林欣彤
SometImes the snow comes down In JUne
SometImes the sUn goes roUnd the moon
I see the @R_10_1682@ In YoUr eYes
SometImes It's all a bIg sUrprIse
CaUse there was a tIme when all I dId was wIsh
YoU'd tell me thIs was love
It's not the waY I hoped or how I planned
BUt somehow It's enoUgh
And now we're standIng face to face
Isn't thIs world a crazY place
JUst when I thoUght oUr chance had passed
YoU go and save the best for last
YoU go and save the best for last
《Save The Best ForLast 》
Dreaming Of You 下一个歌词
Only Love
Dreaming Of You 下一个歌词
Only Love