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Dreaming Of You

@R_823_1518@ Of YoU (梦见你) (LIve) - 林欣彤
Late at nIght when all the world Is sleepIng
I staY Up and thInk of YoU
And I wIsh on a star
That somewhere YoU're thInkIng of me too

Wonder If YoU ever see me
And I wonder If YoU know I'm there
If YoU looked In mY eYes
WoUld YoU see what's Inside
WoUld YoU even care
CaUse I'm @R_823_1518@ of YoU tonIght
TIll Tomorrow I'll be holdIng YoU tIght
And there's nowhere In the world I'd rather be
Than here In mY room @R_823_1518@ aboUt YoU and me

TIll Tomorrow I'll be holdIng YoU tIght
And there's nowhere In the world I'd rather be
Here In mY room @R_823_1518@ aboUt YoU and me

《Dreaming Of You 》


Eternal Flame
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