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Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before I lose YoU tonIght

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght
Before I lose YoU to the nIght

SIttIng neXt to YoU on the kItchen floor

I lIke the waY YoU teach me how to draw

Ever-lastIng blooms

YoUr favorIte vInYl record spInnIng roUnd and roUnd

@R_757_1273@ know there Is no tUrnIng back

JUst lIke oUr lIves

The nIght woUld lInger long enoUgh

BUt the kIsses we jUst can't get enoUgh

I close mY eYes
Feel a heaven @R_571_1955@

Babe staY wIth me

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before I lose YoU tonIght

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before I lose YoU to the nIght

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before I lose YoU tonIght

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before I lose YoU to the nIght

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before we see the sUnshIne

Can we have a walk on thIs Summer nIght

Before mY tear goes down



公路冰淇凌Heading To The Dawn (《谁的青春不迷茫》电影插曲)