Sometimes When We Touch
专辑/周华健《Songs of BIrds》@H_164_0@
YoU asked me If I love YoU@H_164_0@
And I choke on mY replY@H_164_0@
I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY@H_164_0@
than mIssed YoU wIth a lIe@H_164_0@
And who am I to jUdge YoU@H_164_0@
on what YoU saY or do@H_164_0@
I'm Only jUst beGinnIng@H_164_0@
to see the real YoU@H_164_0@
And somtImes when we toUch@H_164_0@
The honestY Is too mUch@H_164_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_164_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIde@H_164_0@
Romance and all Its strategY@H_164_0@
Leaves me battlIng wIth prIde@H_164_0@
BUt thUr the InsecUrItY@H_164_0@
some tendeness sUrvIves@H_164_0@
I'm jUst another wrIter@H_164_0@
stIll trapped whIn mY trUth@H_164_0@
A hesIlant prIze fIghters@H_164_0@
stIll trapped wIth mY YoUth@H_164_0@
And somtImes when we toUch@H_164_0@
The honestY Is too mUch@H_164_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_164_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIde@H_164_0@
At tImes I'd lIke to break YoU@H_164_0@
And drIve YoU @R_223_2186@r knees@H_164_0@
At tImes I'd lIke to break thUr@H_164_0@
And hold YoU endlesslY@H_164_0@
At tImes I Understand YoU@H_164_0@
I know how hard YoU Try@H_164_0@
I've watched whIle love command YoU@H_164_0@
And I've watched love pass YoU bY@H_164_0@
At tImes I thInk we're drIfters@H_164_0@
StIll searchIng for a frIend@H_164_0@
a brother or a sIster@H_164_0@
BUt then the @R_287_1682@ flares agaIn@H_164_0@
And sometImes when we toUch@H_164_0@
The honestY Is too mUch@H_164_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_164_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_164_0@
I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIde
《Sometimes When We Touch》
Songs Of Birds下一个歌词
How Deep Is Your Love
Songs Of Birds下一个歌词
How Deep Is Your Love