The First Time
原唱/The SUrface@H_523_0@
专辑/周华健《Songs of BIrds》@H_523_0@
YoU know I won't forget the tImes@H_523_0@
we shared @R_579_1513@,@H_523_0@
holdIng hands and walkIng In the park.@H_523_0@
SometIme we'll have to do It all agaIn.@H_523_0@
We were so Happy then.@H_523_0@
I have no regrets.@H_523_0@
Can't YoU tell from the look on mY face@H_523_0@
that I love YoU more todaY?@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme I looked In@R_657_2186@r eYes I crIed.@H_523_0@
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?@H_523_0@
YoU looked Into mY eYes,@H_523_0@
wIped the tears awaY.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.@H_523_0@
AlthoUgh some tIme has passed,@H_523_0@
I stIll remember jUst lIke It was YesterdaY.@H_523_0@
BUt tIme Is movIn' fast.@H_523_0@
The love I have for YoU@H_523_0@
tIme won't ever change,@H_523_0@
I'll alwaYs feel the same,@H_523_0@
now UntIl the end.@H_523_0@
Memories we share wIll lIve Forever.@H_523_0@
Deep Inside mY heart.@H_523_0@
I know I'll never forget.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme I looked In@R_657_2186@r eYes I crIed.@H_523_0@
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?@H_523_0@
YoU looked Into mY eYes,@H_523_0@
wIped the tears awaY.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme I looked In@R_657_2186@r eYes I crIed.@H_523_0@
Do YoU remember the fIrst tIme we fell In love?@H_523_0@
YoU looked Into mY eYes,@H_523_0@
wIped the tears awaY.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme when we fell In love.@H_523_0@
The fIrst tIme.
《The First Time》
Just The Way You Are下一个歌词
How Deep Is Your Love
Just The Way You Are下一个歌词
How Deep Is Your Love