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Love is All Around

钟镇涛 Love Is All AroUnd-钟镇涛@H_423_0@ 词:RegPresleY@H_423_0@ RegPresleY曲:@H_423_0@ I feel It In mY fIngers I feel It In mY toes@H_423_0@ Love Is all aroUnd me and so the feelIng grows@H_423_0@ It's wrItten on the wInd It's everYwhere I go@H_423_0@ So If YoU reallY love me come on and let It show@H_423_0@ YoU know I love YoU I alwaYs wIll@H_423_0@ MY mInd's made Up bY the waY that I feel@H_423_0@ There's no beGinnIng there'll be no end@H_423_0@ CaUse on @R_235_1840@ YoU can depend@H_423_0@ I see YoUr face before me as I laY on mY bed@H_423_0@ I kInda get to thInkIng of all the thIngs we saId@H_423_0@ YoU gave a promIse to me and I gave mIne To You@H_423_0@ I need @R_281_1575@ besIde me In everYthIng I Do@H_423_0@ YoU know I love YoU I alwaYs wIll@H_423_0@ MY mInd's made Up bY the waY that I feel@H_423_0@ There's no beGinnIng there'll be no end@H_423_0@ CaUse on @R_235_1840@ YoU can depend@H_423_0@ YoU know I love YoU I alwaYs wIll@H_423_0@ MY mInd's made Up bY the waY that I feel@H_423_0@ There's no beGinnIng there'll be no end@H_423_0@ CaUse on @R_235_1840@ YoU can depend@H_423_0@ It's wrItten on the wInd It's everYwhere I go@H_423_0@ So If YoU reallY love me come on and let It show@H_423_0@ Come on and let It show@H_423_0@ Come on and let It show@H_423_0@ Come on and let It show

《Love is All Around》

