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I Will Survive

郑秀文 At fIrst I was afraId I was petrIfIed
@H_457_1@ 起初我很害怕,不知所措
@H_457_1@Kept thInkIng I coUld never lIve wIthoUt YoU bY mY sIde
@H_457_1@ 一直在想:没有你在身边,我一定活不下去
@H_457_1@BUt then I spent so manY nIghts
@H_457_1@ 但是后来,我了很多个夜晚
@H_457_1@ThInkIng how YoU dId me wrong
@H_457_1@ 思考你是如何辜负了我
@H_457_1@And I grew strong
@H_457_1@ 我变得坚强
@H_457_1@And I learn how to get along
@H_457_1@ 学会了独立
@H_457_1@And so YoU're back from oUter space
@H_457_1@ 然而,你从外头回到了这里
@H_457_1@I jUst walked In to fInd YoU here wIth that sad look Upon YoUr face
@H_457_1@ 我进来,发现了满脸愁容的你
@H_457_1@I shoUld have changed that stUpId lock
@H_457_1@ 我早该换门锁
@H_457_1@I shoUld have made YoU leave YoUr keY
@H_457_1@ 我早该叫你把钥匙留下
@H_457_1@If I'd known for jUst one second YoU'd be back to bother me
@H_457_1@ 如果我早知道你会回来骚扰我的话
@H_457_1@*Go on now, go walk oUt the door
@H_457_1@ 吧!滚到外面去
@H_457_1@JUst tUrn aroUnd now
@H_457_1@ 请你转身离开
@H_457_1@(Cos) YoU're not welcome Anymore
@H_457_1@ 你已经不受欢迎
@H_457_1@Weren't YoU the one who trIed to hUrt me wIth goodbYe
@H_457_1@ 你就是那个用分手来伤害我的家伙
@H_457_1@YoU thInk I'd crUmble
@H_457_1@ 你以为我崩溃了
@H_457_1@DId YoU thInk I'd laY down and dIe
@H_457_1@ 你以为我会坐以待毙
@H_457_1@Oh no, not I, I wIll sUrvIve
@H_457_1@ 哦!不,我会活下去
@H_457_1@Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll staY alIve
@H_457_1@ 一旦我学会如何去爱,我就能活下去
@H_457_1@I've got all mY lIfe to lIve
@H_457_1@ 我会用一生好好过日子
@H_457_1@I've got all My Love to gIve and I'll sUrvIve
@H_457_1@ 我会用全部的爱去奉献,我会活下去
@H_457_1@I wIll sUrvIve
@H_457_1@ 我会活下去
@H_457_1@It took all the strength I had not to Fall apart
@H_457_1@ 我用尽全身的力气,不让自己崩溃
@H_457_1@Kept TryIng hard to mend the pIeces of mY broken heart
@H_457_1@ 努力修补着我碎的碎片
@H_457_1@And I spent oh so manY nIghts
@H_457_1@ 我了多少个夜晚
@H_457_1@JUst feelIng sorrY for mYself
@H_457_1@ 为自己感到难过
@H_457_1@I Used to crY bUt now I hold mY head Up hIgh
@H_457_1@ 我曾经哭泣,但现在的我昂首阔步
@H_457_1@And YoU see me someBody new
@H_457_1@ 你可以看到我已脱胎换骨
@H_457_1@I'm not that chaIned Up lIttle person stIll In love wIth YoU
@H_457_1@ 我已不是那个爱着你而被束缚的卑微女子
@H_457_1@And so YoU feel lIke droppIng In
@H_457_1@ 你说想来看我
@H_457_1@And jUst eXpect me to be free
@H_457_1@ 希望我有空见你
@H_457_1@Now I'm savIng all mY lovIng for @R_523_1575@ who's lovIng me
@H_457_1@ 如今,我已把全部的爱都留给那个爱我的人

《I Will Survive》


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