ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord@H_162_0@
And gIve them the strength to staY trUe@H_162_0@
CrYIng everYdaY,I know I'll never see the daY@H_162_0@
When the world Is cavIng In I wonder who'll be saved@H_162_0@
I know that YoU love me and YoU know I love YoU too@H_162_0@
EverYBody's lettIng go bUt lord I foUnd YoU@H_162_0@
I staY blessed wIth mYself@H_162_0@
CaUse It's a test when I walk oUt@H_162_0@
I pUff mY chest at LIfe's endless challenges@H_162_0@
I wanna partIcIpate and create@H_162_0@
BUt there's a barrIcade wIthIn me@H_162_0@
Wake Up and back to sleep@H_162_0@
EnergY depletes@H_162_0@
Now I'm feelIng'dead lIke a eUlogY@H_162_0@
The dUalItY@H_162_0@
Of what's real and what's lIes@H_162_0@
I feel the vIbes@H_162_0@
Of chaos and desIgn@H_162_0@
I got a cUp lInk@H_162_0@
And I got It straIght pImpIn'@H_162_0@
Rock shades at nIght@H_162_0@
CaUse mY lonelIness Is blarIng@H_162_0@
The Only choIce I got Is fear or love@H_162_0@
SUccess Is to be wIth the L.O.V.E.@H_162_0@
I DoUgIe'd a vIsIon@H_162_0@
God shows me a path throUgh IntUItIon@H_162_0@
It's dIvIne decIsIon@H_162_0@
It's the moment I'm catchIng@H_162_0@
If It's a battle for the mInd@H_162_0@
Then all daY I'll be blastIng@H_162_0@
I've seen It before@H_162_0@
I never knew the score@H_162_0@
I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_162_0@
ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do, Lord@H_162_0@
And gIve me the strength to staY trUe@H_162_0@
DaY to daY I praYed@H_162_0@
HopIng todaY Is a better daY@H_162_0@
So manY wasted, knocked down, and easIlY swaYed@H_162_0@
LIvIng a lIfe of thIs self hate,how do we beGin@H_162_0@
To sIn,no wIn, and no openIng@H_162_0@
KIds gettIng abUsed bY pIlls... what a waste@H_162_0@
TheY take not knowIng theIr lIfe wIll soon break@H_162_0@
LIfe Is too short for that kInna game@H_162_0@
It's not worth It,It's so lame @H_162_0@
And I proclaIm that It's no one to blame@H_162_0@
I've lIved the lIfe I've loved to lIve@H_162_0@
TakIng back all mY lIfe I serve to gIve@H_162_0@
Soldier on all the hate I can't feel the blIss@H_162_0@
LovIng from the @R_816_1955@ I can't feel the kIss@H_162_0@
One lIfe that's all there Is@H_162_0@
Real lIfe,Is where hell beGins@H_162_0@
Man kIllIng man! Is the maIn caUse of It@H_162_0@
FIght for YoUr rIght Is all of thIs@H_162_0@
Save me lord@H_162_0@
I never meant to be thIs waY@H_162_0@
I'd gIven Up on everYthIng and all I had was paIn@H_162_0@
Oh whY,whY do we Play these games@H_162_0@
I’ve gIven Up mY everYthIng to be wIth me@H_162_0@
I've seen It before@H_162_0@
I never knew the score@H_162_0@
I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_162_0@
ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do,Lord@H_162_0@
And gIve me the strength to staY trUe@H_162_0@
I've seen It before@H_162_0@
I never knew the score@H_162_0@
I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_162_0@
ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do,Lord@H_162_0@
And gIve me the strength to staY trUe
- 信者得爱(Feat.MC仁)
- 罪与罚(Feat.24 Herbs)
- 上帝早已预备
- 不要惊动爱情
- 结果
- 你爱我
- 有一种快乐
- Forgiveness (Feat.24 Herbs)
- 阿门(国语)
- 你爱我(国语)
- 你爱我 (国)
- 阿门 (国)
- Forgiveness
- 有一种快乐
- 你爱我
- 结果
- 不要惊动爱情
- 上帝早已预备
- 罪与罚
- 信者得爱
- 萤
- 新造的人
- 万物有时
- 如何忍眼泪
- 好好说
- Opening(Live)
- 真命天子(Live)
- 心血来潮(Live)
- 艳遇(Live)
- 宿命主义(Live)
- Creo En MI(Live)
- 萧邦写过的歌(Live)
- 知道的请告诉我(Live)
- 你爱我爱不起(Live)
- 喜欢憎你(Live)
- 儿童不宜(Live)
- 实不相瞒(Live)
- 快乐不快乐(Live)
- 苦恋(Live)
- 世界之最(你愿意)(Live)
- 总有一个人(Live)
- 颜色... 气味(Live)
- 浮雕(Live)
- 伤(Live)
- 千年如一日(Live)
- Friends(Live)
- Arigatou(Live)
- 我们都是这样长大的
- Creo en Mi
- Prologue - Live