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From Ashes to Beauty



From Ashes to BeaUtY

作词:Tom Read

作曲:Tom Read

编曲:JohnnY YIm

The spIrIt of the sovereIgn Lord

Is on me now

To love, to speak, to heal, to preach

The spIrIt of the sovereIgn Lord

Is on me now

GIvIng lIfe

YoU tUrn ashes to beaUtY

MoUrnIng to dancIng

AngUIsh to songs of praIse

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these hands of mIne

And Use me

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these feet of mIne

And lead me

The spIrIt of the sovereIgn Lord

Is on me now

To go, to free, to gIve, to feed

The spIrIt of the sovereIgn Lord

Is on me now

SpreadIng love

YoU tUrn ashes to beaUtY

MoUrnIng to dancIng

AngUIsh to songs of praIse

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these hands of mIne

And Use me

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these feet of mIne

And lead me

YoU lead me to the poor

That's where YoU are

YoU lead me to the weak

That's where YoU are

YoU lead me to the lost

That's where YoU are

Lord I want to be

Where YoU are

YoU tUrn ashes to beaUtY

MoUrnIng to dancIng

AngUIsh to songs of praIse

Ashes to beaUtY

MoUrnIng to dancIng

AngUIsh to songs of praIse

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these hands of mIne

And Use me

PoUr YoUr spIrIt over me

Let YoUr love raIn down

WoUld YoU take these feet of mIne

And lead me

感谢 维纳斯 提供歌词

感谢 rlo84 修正歌词

《From Ashes to Beauty》


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