@H_423_0@郑秀文@H_423_0@CrYIng@H_423_0@作曲:OrbIson/Melson@H_423_0@I was alrIght for a whIleI coUld Smile for a whIleBUt when I saw YoU@H_423_0@Last nIghtYoUr held mY hand so tIghtAs YoU stopped to saY hello@H_423_0@Oh YoU wIshed me wellYoU coUldn't tellThat I've been crYIng@H_423_0@Over YoUCrYIng over YoUAnd YoU saId so long@H_423_0@Left me standIng all aloneAlone and crYIng crYIng crYIng@H_423_0@CrYIng to UnderstandBUt the toUch of YoUr hand@H_423_0@Can start me crYIngI thoUght that I was over YoU@H_423_0@BUt It's trUeI love YoU even moreThan I dId before@H_423_0@BUt darlIng what can I DoFor YoU don't love me@H_423_0@And I'll alwaYs beCrYIng over YoUCrYIng over YoU@H_423_0@Yes now YoU're goneAnd from thIs moment on I'll be crYIng@H_423_0@CrYIng crYIng crYIngCrYIng crYIng o-over YoU
- 男仕今天你很好
- 小心女人
- 放不低
- 不拖不欠
- 孤男寡女
- 十诫
- 萨拉热窝的罗密欧与茱丽叶
- 娃娃看天下
- X派对
- 热爱岛
- 思念
- 不来的季节
- Crying
- 唯独你是不可取替
- 默契
- 叮当
- 爱的挽歌
- 值得
- 萤
- 新造的人
- 万物有时
- 如何忍眼泪
- 好好说
- Opening(Live)
- 真命天子(Live)
- 心血来潮(Live)
- 艳遇(Live)
- 宿命主义(Live)
- Creo En MI(Live)
- 萧邦写过的歌(Live)
- 知道的请告诉我(Live)
- 你爱我爱不起(Live)
- 喜欢憎你(Live)
- 儿童不宜(Live)
- 实不相瞒(Live)
- 快乐不快乐(Live)
- 苦恋(Live)
- 世界之最(你愿意)(Live)
- 总有一个人(Live)
- 颜色... 气味(Live)
- 浮雕(Live)
- 伤(Live)
- 千年如一日(Live)
- Friends(Live)
- Arigatou(Live)
- 我们都是这样长大的
- Creo en Mi
- Prologue - Live