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Lost Christmas

张学友 Lost ChrIstmas
I wIsh ChrIstmas coUld be good agaIn
That YoU coUld forget everYthIng
JUst for one daY I'd take YoU rIght back
To when YoU were a lIttle gIrl!
To when each daY promIsed YoU pearls
Before YoU grew Up
And I wIsh that we owned the hoUse we lIve In
And I wIsh that we had no bIlls to paY
And I wIsh I coUld fInd somethIng thIs ChrIstmas
SomethIng so valUable that It dIdn't cost
Happy ChrIstmas @R_234_2186@
MaY all YoUr dreams come trUe
And maY someBody save YoU tonIght
And maY YoU stIll belIeve that I mIght
And maY some thIngs jUst tUrn oUt all rIght
jUst tUrn oUt all rIght

《Lost Christmas》


Corazon de Melao (featuring: Emmanuel)
This Time Next Year