Young Girl
~YoUng GIrl~@H_557_0@
Made bY HandsomeCK@H_557_0@
YoU've got the charm of a woman@H_557_0@
YoU've kept the secret of YoUr YoUth@H_557_0@
YoU let me to belIeve@H_557_0@
YoU're old enoUgh to gIve me love@H_557_0@
BUt now It hUrts to know the trUth@H_557_0@
YoUng gIrl get oUt of mY mInd@H_557_0@
My Love for YoU Is waY oUt of lIne@H_557_0@
Better rUn gIrl@H_557_0@
YoU're mUch too YoUng gIrl@H_557_0@
Beneath YoUr perfUme and make@H_557_0@
YoU're jUst a babY In dIsgUIse@H_557_0@
Even thoUgh YoU know@H_557_0@
That It's wrong to be alone wIth me@H_557_0@
That come on look Is In YoUr eYes@H_557_0@
YoUng gIrl get oUt of mY mInd@H_557_0@
My Love for YoU Is waY oUt of lIne@H_557_0@
Better rUn gIrl@H_557_0@
YoU're mUch too YoUng gIrl@H_557_0@
So hUrrY home To Your mama@H_557_0@
I'm sUre she wonders where YoU are@H_557_0@
Get oUt of here@H_557_0@
Before I have the tIme@H_557_0@
To change mY mInd@H_557_0@
CaUse I'm afraId we'll go too far
《Young Girl》
Smile A Little Smile下一个歌词
Wonderful World
Smile A Little Smile下一个歌词
Wonderful World