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Dust my shoulders off(&

张靓颖 @H_578_0@张靓颖

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off(& TImbaland)

@H_578_0@作词:JIm Beanz、KIrbY、Jane Zhang

@H_578_0@作曲:JIm Beanz、TImbaland

@H_578_0@JUst had a bad daY

@H_578_0@Had car troUble on the hIghwaY

@H_578_0@And mY stUpId boss don't lIke me

@H_578_0@SpIlled hot coffee on mY blUe jeans

@H_578_0@I'm Low on Money

@H_578_0@And It aIn't fUnnY

@H_578_0@BUt It's stIll Sunny oUtsIde

@H_578_0@So I keep on smIlIng

@H_578_0@I won't start waIlIng

@H_578_0@I jUst keep lIvIng mY lIfe

@H_578_0@Can't keep me down me down

@H_578_0@It's Only temporarY

@H_578_0@Can't make me frown me frown

@H_578_0@So I aIn't even worrIed

@H_578_0@'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

@H_578_0@LIfe goes on and on

@H_578_0@I won't crY for long

@H_578_0@'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

@H_578_0@When thIngs are goIng wrong

@H_578_0@I tUrn on mY favorIte song

@H_578_0@and dUst mY shoUlders...

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@YoU can't fInd YoUr @R_493_1167@

@H_578_0@YoUr boYfrIend left YoU

@H_578_0@BUt the partY's stIll goIng on

@H_578_0@EverYBody here saYIng

@H_578_0@DUst YoUr shoUlders off

@H_578_0@See em kIssIng In the kItchen

@H_578_0@BY bathroom

@H_578_0@BUtcha don't let It phase YoU

@H_578_0@Go hIt the bar Up

@H_578_0@Go and keY hIs car Up

@H_578_0@Tell hIm that It's karma

@H_578_0@Can't keep me down me down

@H_578_0@It's Only temporarY

@H_578_0@Can't make me frown me frown

@H_578_0@So I aIn't even worrIed

@H_578_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_578_0@'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

@H_578_0@LIfe goes on and on

@H_578_0@I won't crY for long

@H_578_0@'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

@H_578_0@When thIngs are goIng wrong

@H_578_0@I tUrn on mY favorIte song

@H_578_0@and dUst mY shoUlders...

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@I aIn't trIppIng over drama

@H_578_0@All aboUt mY nUmbers

@H_578_0@Tell' em get Up oUtta mY face

@H_578_0@YoU don't even know me

@H_578_0@YoU don't even know me

@H_578_0@Save It for another daY

@H_578_0@I aIn't trIppIng over drama

@H_578_0@All aboUt mY nUmbers

@H_578_0@Tell' em get Up oUtta mY face

@H_578_0@YoU don't even know me

@H_578_0@YoU don't even know me

@H_578_0@Save It for another daY

@H_578_0@No bIg deal

@H_578_0@WIn some YoU lose some

@H_578_0@BUt lIfe gets real

@H_578_0@Won't last Forever

@H_578_0@'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

@H_578_0@LIfe goes on and on

@H_578_0@I won't crY for long

@H_578_0@'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

@H_578_0@When thIngs are goIng wrong

@H_578_0@I tUrn on mY favorIte song

@H_578_0@and dUst mY shoUlders...

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@DUst mY shoUlders off

@H_578_0@I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

@H_578_0@感谢 百玉 提供歌词

《Dust my shoulders off(& Timbaland)》


A Whole New World