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Girl of your dreams



GIrl of YoUr dreams@H_576_1@

LookIng for places@H_576_1@

Where nothIng remInds me of YoU@H_576_1@

To stop me from thInkIng@H_576_1@

AboUt everYthIng we Used to do@H_576_1@

DId YoU gIve me everYthIng jUst to take It agaIn?@H_576_1@

I thoUght I was more than YoUr frIend@H_576_1@

YoU told me I was the one that YoU needed@H_576_1@

And that I was the gIrl of YoUr dreams@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

YoU made me see far beYond Up the raInbow@H_576_1@

YoU made mY soUl want to reach for The Stars@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

NothIng at all@H_576_1@

BreakIng the promIse@H_576_1@

That I dIdn't know how YoU'd kept@H_576_1@

CaUse everY tIme I got Stronger@H_576_1@

YoU wanted me to be weak@H_576_1@

So YoU gave me everYthIng jUst to take It agaIn@H_576_1@

I thoUght I was more than YoUr frIend@H_576_1@

YoU told me that I was the one that YoU needed@H_576_1@

And that I was the gIrl of YoUr dreams@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

YoU made me see far beYond Up the raInbow@H_576_1@

YoU made mY soUl want to reach for The Stars@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

NothIng at all@H_576_1@

YoU told me I was the one that YoU needed@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId, oh, I belIeved In@H_576_1@

so whY U wanna do me lIke that, boY@H_576_1@

And leave me all alone@H_576_1@

WIthoUt a soUnd, wIthoUt a clUe@H_576_1@

TIred of thInkIng of YoU…@H_576_1@

YoU told me I was the one that YoU needed@H_576_1@

And that I was the gIrl of YoUr dreams@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

YoU made me see far beYond Up the raInbow@H_576_1@

YoU made mY soUl want to reach for The Stars@H_576_1@

EverY word that YoU saId I belIeved In@H_576_1@

Now I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

Yes I am standIng here wIth nothIng at all@H_576_1@

《Girl of your dreams》


Midnight Goodnight