WrItten bY:张杰 / VenUs Brown / T Coles / RIleY UrIck@H_416_0@
出品:行星文化Planet CUltUre@H_416_0@
I staY Up late thInkIng aboUt mY fUtUre daY bY daY@H_416_0@
All that happIness YoU wIll brIng@H_416_0@
Can't waIt to share My Love@H_416_0@
AntIcIpate holdIng YoU throUgh the nIght@H_416_0@
I'll Cherish YoU cUddle In mY arms@H_416_0@
ImagInIng all the love and thIngs I'll saY@H_416_0@
Can't waIt to see mY PrecIoUs angel@H_416_0@
Heaven Only knows@H_416_0@
I've been Dreaming of YoU to hold@H_416_0@
And I swear to god I'll never let go@H_416_0@
Won't let go@H_416_0@
I'll protect YoU@H_416_0@
I'll be YoUr shIeld throUgh the war@H_416_0@
And the battles I'll be there@H_416_0@
YoU take awaY all mY worst nIghtmares@H_416_0@
I fantasIze all aboUt when YoU are here@H_416_0@
AntIcIpate holdIng YoU throUgh the nIght@H_416_0@
I'll Cherish YoU cUddle In mY arms@H_416_0@
ImagInIng all the love and thIngs I'll saY@H_416_0@
Can't waIt to see mY PrecIoUs angel@H_416_0@
Heaven Only knows@H_416_0@
JUst grab mY hand and let me be YoUr rope@H_416_0@
And I swear to god I'll never let go@H_416_0@
Won't let go@H_416_0@
The meanIng of lIfe oh@H_416_0@
I can't waIt for god to revIew YoU@H_416_0@
So beaUtIfUl I cannot waIt to laY neXt To You babY@H_416_0@
I saY PrecIoUs angel@H_416_0@
Heaven Only knows@H_416_0@
JUst grab mY hand and let me be the rope@H_416_0@
And I swear I'm never lettIng YoU go@H_416_0@
No no@H_416_0@
And I swear to god I'll never let go@H_416_0@
Won't let go@H_416_0@
Never let go@H_416_0@
Never let go
经典咏流传 (《经典咏流传》节目主题曲)
经典咏流传 (《经典咏流传》节目主题曲)