TheY have everYthIng for YoU men to enjoY
YoU can hang oUt wIth all the boYs
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
YoU can get YoUrself cleaned YoU can have a good meal
YoU can do whatever YoU feel
YoUng man I was once In YoUr shoes
I saId I was down and oUt wIth the blUes
I felt no man cared If I were alIve
I felt the whole world was so tIght
That's when @R_809_1575@ came Up to me
And saId YoUng man take a walk Up the street
There's a place there called the Y m c a
TheY can start YoU back on YoUr waY
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
TheY have everYthIng for YoU men to enjoY
YoU can hang oUt wIth all the boYs
Y m c a YoU'll fInd It at the Y m c a
TheY have everYthIng for YoU men to enjoY
YoU can hang oUt wIth all the boYs
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
YoU can get YoUrself cleaned YoU can have a good meal
YoU can do whatever YoU feel
YoUng man I was once In YoUr shoes
I saId I was down and oUt wIth the blUes
I felt no man cared If I were alIve
I felt the whole world was so tIght
That's when @R_809_1575@ came Up to me
And saId YoUng man take a walk Up the street
There's a place there called the Y m c a
TheY can start YoU back on YoUr waY
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
It's fUn to staY at the Y m c a
TheY have everYthIng for YoU men to enjoY
YoU can hang oUt wIth all the boYs
Y m c a YoU'll fInd It at the Y m c a