I Found You
And the(YoU're)@R_423_2052@ I sUrvIve(and)I LOVE YOU
TonIght Is jUst the nIght
(oh tonIght....) I'm gonna hold YoU tIght...
YoU're mY prIde
YoU're the @R_423_2052@ I'll be strong
And I coUldn't carrY on...
WIthoUt YoU (bY YoUr sIde) YoU're the angel In mY lIfe
And the(YoU're)@R_423_2052@ I sUrvIve(and)I LOVE YOU
TonIght Is jUst the nIght
(oh tonIght....) I'm gonna hold YoU tIght...
YoU're mY prIde
YoU're the @R_423_2052@ I'll be strong
And I coUldn't carrY on...
WIthoUt YoU (bY YoUr sIde) YoU're the angel In mY lIfe
And the(YoU're)@R_423_2052@ I sUrvIve(and)I LOVE YOU
《I Found You》