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Vie Ya

薛凯琪 PrIntIng a portraIt of maYbe YoU and me. @H_572_0@ How to, when to, tell YoU @H_572_0@ I love YoU so YoU woUld hear thIs. @H_572_0@ DE DA DA DA..... @H_572_0@ ClosIng mY eYes I see no other, @H_572_0@ now that YoU‘ve foUnd me. @H_572_0@ I was told and told that YoU‘ve got me, @H_572_0@ all mY frIends agree. I saw YoU holdIng her hands bY that wIndow YesterdaY. @H_572_0@ I was oUt of lUck I see. @H_572_0@ I wIsh YoU were holdIng mY hands bY thIs wIndow todaY. @H_572_0@ MY lock jUst faIls me @H_572_0@ *FInd mYself IN-VIE-YA DA DA DA VIE-YA DA DA DA DA... @H_572_0@ FInd mYself IN-VIE-YA DA DA DA VIE-YA DA DA DA DA...* @H_572_0@ Perhaps Tomorrow YoU‘ll jUst be waItIng bY mY door for me @H_572_0@ Or maYbe I shoUld tell YoU 9mY name FIrst. @H_572_0@ CUZ YoU don‘t know me @H_572_0@ DE-DA @H_572_0@ I saw YoU holdIng her hands bY that wIndow YesterdaY. @H_572_0@ I was oUt of lUck I see. @H_572_0@ I wIsh YoU were holdIng mY hands bY thIs wIndow todaY. @H_572_0@ MY lUck jUst faIls me.

《Vie Ya》


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