GoodnIght mY angel@H_621_0@
TIme to close YoUr eYes@H_621_0@
And save these@H_621_0@
QUestIons for another daY@H_621_0@
I thInk I know@H_621_0@
What YoU've been a@R_251_2957@g me@H_621_0@
I thInk YoU know what@H_621_0@
I've been TryIng to saY@H_621_0@
I promIsed I woUld never leave YoU@H_621_0@
And YoU shoUld alwaYs know@H_621_0@
Wherever YoU maY go@H_621_0@
No matter where YoU are@H_621_0@
I never wIll be far awaY@H_621_0@
GoodnIght mY angel@H_621_0@
Now It's tIme to sleep@H_621_0@
And stIll so manY thIngs@H_621_0@
I want to saY@H_621_0@
Remember all the songs YoU sang to me@H_621_0@
When we went saIlIng on an emerald baY@H_621_0@
And lIke a boat oUt on the ocean@H_621_0@
I'm rockIng YoU to sleep@H_621_0@
The water's dark@H_621_0@
And deep Inside thIs ancIent heart@H_621_0@
YoU'll alwaYs be a part of me@H_621_0@
GoodnIght mY angel@H_621_0@
Now It's tIme to dream@H_621_0@
And dream how wonderfUl@H_621_0@
YoUr lIfe wIll be@H_621_0@
SomedaY YoUr chIld maY crY@H_621_0@
And If YoU sIng thIs lUllabYe@H_621_0@
Then In YoUr heart@H_621_0@
There wIll alwaYs be a part of me@H_621_0@
SomedaY we'll all be gone@H_621_0@
BUt lUllabYes go on and on@H_621_0@
TheY never dIe@H_621_0@
That's how YoU@H_621_0@
And I@H_621_0@
WIll be
《Lullabye 》
忘了时间忘了我 下一个歌词
Lean On Me
忘了时间忘了我 下一个歌词
Lean On Me