Starry Skies
歌名:starrY skIes
lYIng Under lovelY starrY skIes
coUnt the mIllIon stars Up hIgh
moonLight Is shInIng The Stars are so brIght
shInIng lIke srYstals In the nIght
lYIng Under lovelY starrY skIes
watch the moon It shInes so brIght
The Stars and the moon theY Light Up the skIes
close YoUrs eYes make a wIsh tonIght
歌名:starrY skIes
lYIng Under lovelY starrY skIes
coUnt the mIllIon stars Up hIgh
moonLight Is shInIng The Stars are so brIght
shInIng lIke srYstals In the nIght
lYIng Under lovelY starrY skIes
watch the moon It shInes so brIght
The Stars and the moon theY Light Up the skIes
close YoUrs eYes make a wIsh tonIght
《Starry Skies》
Goodbye To You
Sunny Day
Everbody Jump
The Train
When I Was A Young Girl
To The Circus
Table And Chair
I Had A Little Nut Tree
Our School Will Shine
Froggie Froggie
Ring A Ring Of Roses
How Do You Do?
I Have Got Six Pence
Three Little Kittens
How Much
The More We Get Together
Starry Skies
Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?