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Sing A Song

Twins sIng, sIng a song @H_234_0@ sIng oUt Loud @H_234_0@ sIng oUt strong @H_234_0@ sIng of good thIngs not bad @H_234_0@ sIng of Happy not sad. @H_234_0@ sIng, sIng a song @H_234_0@ make It sImple to last @H_234_0@ YoUr whole lIfe long @H_234_0@ don't worrY that It's not @H_234_0@ good enoUgh for anYone @H_234_0@ else to hear @H_234_0@ jUst sIng, sIng a song. @H_234_0@ sIng, sIng a song @H_234_0@ let the world sIng along @H_234_0@ sIng of love there coUld be @H_234_0@ sIng for YoU and for me. @H_234_0@ sIng, sIng a song @H_234_0@ make It sImple to last @H_234_0@ YoUr whole lIfe long @H_234_0@ don't worrY that It's not @H_234_0@ good enoUgh for anYone @H_234_0@ else to hear @H_234_0@ jUst sIng, sIng a song.@H_234_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

《Sing A Song》


Cuckoo Clock
Ding Dong Bell