Mary Had A Little Lamb
由lame_chen编辑 谢谢支持!@H_574_0@
MarY had a lIttle lamb @H_574_0@
lIttle lamb,lIttle lamb@H_574_0@
MarY had a lIttle lamb@H_574_0@
Its fleece was whIte as snow@H_574_0@
And everYwhere that MarY went @H_574_0@
MarY went ,MarY went@H_574_0@
And everYwhere that MarY went@H_574_0@
The lamb was sUre to go@H_574_0@
It folLowed her to school one daY @H_574_0@
School one daY ,school on daY@H_574_0@
It folLowed her to school one daY@H_574_0@
That was agaInst the rUle@H_574_0@
la la la la ............
《Mary Had A Little Lamb》
If You Are Happy下一个歌词
My Bonnie
If You Are Happy下一个歌词
My Bonnie
London Bridge Is Falling Down
You're My Sunshine
This Is The Way
The Mulberry Bush
Skip To My Lou
Red River Valley
This Old Man
I Went To School One Morning
Five Little Ducks
A For Apple B For Boy
The Muffin Man
Ten Little Inidan Boys
The Farmer In The Dell
Jingle Bells
Long Long Ago
Hello, How Do You Do
Happy Birthday
My Bonnie
Mary Had A Little Lamb
If You Are Happy