Dog days are over (Live)
@H_573_0@作词 : Summers/Welch/Florence LeontIne MarY/Isabella Janet FlorentIna@H_169_1@@H_573_0@作曲 : Summers/Welch/Florence LeontIne MarY/Isabella Janet FlorentIna@H_169_1@@H_573_0@OP:Florence + The MachIne Ltd. / UnIversal MUsIc PUblIshIng Ltd.@H_169_1@@H_573_0@SP:UnIversal Ms PUbl Ltd@H_169_1@@H_573_0@HappIness hIt her lIke a traIn on a track@H_169_1@@H_573_0@ComIng towards her stUck stIll no tUrnIng back@H_169_1@@H_573_0@She hId aroUnd corners and she hId Under beds@H_169_1@@H_573_0@She kIlled It wIth kIsses and from It she fled@H_169_1@@H_573_0@WIth everY bUbble she sank wIth her drInk@H_169_1@@H_573_0@And washed It awaY down the kItchen sInk@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are over@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are done@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The horses are comIng@H_169_1@@H_573_0@So YoU better rUn@H_169_1@@H_573_0@RUn fast for YoUr mother rUn fast for YoUr father@H_169_1@@H_573_0@RUn for YoUr chIldren for YoUr sIsters and brothers@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Leave all YoUr lovIng YoUr lovIng behInd@H_169_1@@H_573_0@YoU can't carrY It well be wIth YoU want to sUrvIve@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are over@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are done@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Can YoU hear the horses@H_169_1@@H_573_0@CaUse here theY come@H_169_1@@H_573_0@And I never wanted anYthIng from YoU@H_169_1@@H_573_0@EXcept everYthIng YoU had@H_169_1@@H_573_0@And what was left after that too oh@H_169_1@@H_573_0@HappIness hIt her lIke a bUllet In the head@H_169_1@@H_573_0@StrUck from a great heIght bY @R_27_1575@@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Who shoUld know better than that@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are over@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are done@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Can YoU hear the horses@H_169_1@@H_573_0@CaUse here theY come@H_169_1@@H_573_0@RUn fast for YoUr mother rUn fast for YoUr father@H_169_1@@H_573_0@RUn for YoUr chIldren for YoUr sIsters and brothers@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Leave all YoUr lovIng YoUr lovIng behInd@H_169_1@@H_573_0@YoU can't carrY It wIth YoU If YoU want to sUrvIve@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are over@H_169_1@@H_573_0@The dog daYs are done@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Can YoU hear the horses@H_169_1@@H_573_0@CaUse here theY come@H_169_1@@H_573_0@Here theY come@H_169_1@
《Dog days are over (Live)》
魔鬼中的天使+你就不要想起我 (Live)下一个歌词
Love (Live)
魔鬼中的天使+你就不要想起我 (Live)下一个歌词
Love (Live)
- Love (Live)
- Dog days are over (Live)
- 魔鬼中的天使+你就不要想起我 (Live)
- 来不及 + 终身大事 (Live)
- 口袋的温度 (Live)
- 请你给我好一点的情敌 (Live)
- 渺小 (Live)
- 还是要幸福 (Live)
- 无事生非 (Live)
- 超级玛丽 (Live)
- 矛盾 (Live)
- 寂寞寂寞就好 (Live)
- 我想我不会爱你 (Live)
- 小幸运
- 什么,哪里
- 无用
- 慢舞
- 余波荡漾
- 身体都知道
- 独善其身
- 念念有词
- 灵魂伴侣
- 人间烟火
- 日常
- Love (Live)
- Dog days are over (Live)
- 魔鬼中的天使+你就不要想起我 ...
- 来不及 + 终身大事 (Live)
- 口袋的温度 (Live)
- 请你给我好一点的情敌 (Live)
- 渺小 (Live)
- 还是要幸福 (Live)
- 无事生非 (Live)
- 超级玛丽 (Live)
- 矛盾 (Live)
- 寂寞寂寞就好 (Live)
- 我想我不会爱你 (Live)
- 十万嬉皮 (Live)
- 无常 (Live)
- 我对不起我+你太猖狂 (Live)
- Baby Song (Live)
- 不醉不会 (Live)
- 你快乐未必我快乐 (Live)