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Nothin' Can Hurt Me

谭咏麟 NothIn' can hUrt me@H_573_0@ 作曲: Yoo YoUng SUm / Joo YoUng Hoom @H_573_0@ 編曲: Yoo YoUng SUm @H_573_0@ 語言: 英語 @H_573_0@ 收錄於大碟: My Love (1993) @H_573_0@ 其版本: 一世風雲 (粵語)@H_573_0@ ThInk of YesterdaY@H_573_0@ And I was sIgh Oh... @H_573_0@ DIdn't Try to fInd anYthIng@H_573_0@ ThInk of new @R_163_2448@nIngs@H_573_0@ and I can't laUgh@H_573_0@ Oh...@H_573_0@ Is that IllUsIon of mIne?@H_573_0@ Never saY I'm throUgh@H_573_0@ No...@H_573_0@ Don't make me stand In the raIn@H_573_0@ Now I know@H_573_0@ I won't crY@H_573_0@ Can anYone hear me oUt there?@H_573_0@ I Don't thInk that It's too late@H_573_0@ I wIll be movIng lIke the wInd, the wInd@H_573_0@ Woo... @H_573_0@ NothIng can hUrt me Anymore@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ NothIng can hUrt me@H_573_0@ Anymore@H_573_0@ YA.....

《Nothin' Can Hurt Me》


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