Atypical 异类
I close mY eYes
JUst realIze I'm so atYpIcal
LIvIng In mY atYpIcal mInd
It's alwaYs been thIs eXcrUcIatIng
ThIs lonelIness IneXplIcable
The rIver Is opaqUe and there Is somethIng Underneath I can't saY
The nIght Is bItter and the mUsIc Is greY I sUffocate
WIll YoU come to me mY lover
WIll YoU hold mY hand and take mY heart
JUst realIze I'm so atYpIcal
LIvIng In mY atYpIcal mInd
It's alwaYs been thIs eXcrUcIatIng
ThIs lonelIness IneXplIcable
The rIver Is opaqUe and there Is somethIng Underneath I can't saY
The nIght Is bItter and the mUsIc Is greY I sUffocate
WIll YoU come to me mY lover
WIll YoU hold mY hand and take mY heart
《Atypical 异类》
The One That Ran Away (space...
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Will You
The One That Ran Away
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I Love You
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Will You
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I Love You
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That Bra
Blue Maze
The One That Ran Away
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