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Coming Back

容祖儿 匹配时间为: 02 分 54 秒 的歌曲

There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
My Love, mY trUst
I gave YoU everYthIng
MY heart, mY soUl
And everY part of me
BUt stIll, YoU left
And chose to be wIth hIm
Now YoU wanna come back In mY lIfe
Tell mY whY shoUld I
BelIeve a word YoU saId
All the tears YoU crY
Are FallIng mUch too late
There's no Reason whY
I go throUgh that agaIn
So go tUrn aroUnd
TUrn aroUnd cUz
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
YoU're no longer mIne
There's no comIng back thIs tIme
Oooo oh oh
Oooo oh oh
Oooo oh oh
There's no comIng back thIs tIme
MY dreams, mY fears
MY InsanItY
MY prIde, mY tears
YoU took It all from me
GIrl YoU save
All YoUr apologIes
CUz YoU're not comIng back thIs tIme
Tell me whY shoUld I
BelIeve a word YoU saId
All the tears YoU crY
Are FallIng mUch too late
There's no Reason whY
I go throUgh that agaIn
So go tUrn aroUnd
TUrn aroUnd
There's no coIng back (back)
There's no coIng back (back)
There's no coIng back (back)
There's no coIng back (back)
There's no coIng back (back)
There's no coIng back (back)
YoU're no longer mIne
There's no comIng back thIs tIme
YoU thoUght the grass woUld be greener
Then what YoU left behInd babY
Now YoU thInk that YoU can jUst come back
GIrl YoU mUst be thInkIng I'm crazY
Tell YoUr frIends that theY can stop callIng
CUz I had enoUgh of It babY
If YoU thInk that YoU can jUst come back
GIrl YoU mUst be thInkIng I'm crazY
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
There's no comIng back (back)
YoU're no longer mIne
There's no comIng back thIs tIme
Oooo oh oh (0, no)
Oooo oh oh (0, no)
Oooo oh oh
There's no comIng back thIs tIme

《Coming Back》


心病 (试听版)