EverYdaY I'm lookIng at mY mIrror
EverYtIme I'm a@R_691_2957@g mYself
I need a partner bUt I need mY tIme
Need to know If YoU're gonna be mIne
EnjoYIng the sUn, havIng fUn
BUt alwaYs wonderIng If oUr feelIngs are one
YoU got to let me know, becaUse I need YoU so
Don't keep me wonderIng, don't wanna let YoU go
是愛還是不愛 沒說出我怎知
再不表示 你可失去位置
是愛還是不愛 自作多情
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
再欠勇氣 我會轉身的飛走
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
ThInkIng of the tImes we met
Oh I felt so close
I jUst can't belIeve that It's Only me
That @R_316_2256@ thIs love the most
EverYtIme I see YoUr Smile
MY heart goes oUt of control
YoU gotta let me know, becaUse I need YoU so
Don't keep me wonderIng, don't wanna let YoU go
是愛還是不愛 沒說出我怎知
再不表示 你可失去位置
是愛還是不愛 自作多情
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
再欠勇氣 我會轉身的飛走
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
情天要開 來等你去打開
情天要開 來等你去打開
情天要開 來等你babY
情天要開 來等你babY
EverYtIme I'm a@R_691_2957@g mYself
I need a partner bUt I need mY tIme
Need to know If YoU're gonna be mIne
EnjoYIng the sUn, havIng fUn
BUt alwaYs wonderIng If oUr feelIngs are one
YoU got to let me know, becaUse I need YoU so
Don't keep me wonderIng, don't wanna let YoU go
是愛還是不愛 沒說出我怎知
再不表示 你可失去位置
是愛還是不愛 自作多情
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
再欠勇氣 我會轉身的飛走
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
ThInkIng of the tImes we met
Oh I felt so close
I jUst can't belIeve that It's Only me
That @R_316_2256@ thIs love the most
EverYtIme I see YoUr Smile
MY heart goes oUt of control
YoU gotta let me know, becaUse I need YoU so
Don't keep me wonderIng, don't wanna let YoU go
是愛還是不愛 沒說出我怎知
再不表示 你可失去位置
是愛還是不愛 自作多情
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
再欠勇氣 我會轉身的飛走
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
像是霧又似花的這段情 猜不透
情天要開 來等你去打開
情天要開 來等你去打開
情天要開 來等你babY
情天要開 來等你babY