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Good Luck Beijing

刘欢 So manY secrets lIe deep Inside YoUr heart@H_576_0@ So manY Years we coUld feel YoUr love Inside@H_576_0@ Seems lIke Forever oUr worlds have been apart@H_576_0@ All the tIme knowIng we'd fInd each other@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ Now we cheer YoU on and the world Is watchIng YoU@H_576_0@ As YoU reach oUt the new daY dawnIng@H_576_0@ YoU are a cItY so rIch wIth hIstorY@H_576_0@ AlwaYs belIevIng In proUd and glorY@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ CHORUS@H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng all oUr hopes are wIth YoU@H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng YoU wIll fIne@H_576_0@ As YoU reach for the skY@H_576_0@ As YoU open YoUr wIngs@H_576_0@ YoU wIll flY@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng let the sUn embrace YoU@H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng YoU wIll shIne@H_576_0@ All those Years have gone bY@H_576_0@ Now YoUr tIme has arrIved@H_576_0@ And we stand bY YoUr sIde@H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ Now Is the tIme we mUst joIn Together@H_576_0@ LendIng a hand all It takes Is YoU and I@H_576_0@ Keep lookIng forward the fUtUre shInes so brIght@H_576_0@ DestInIes on YoU sIde@H_576_0@ @H_576_0@ CHORUS REPEAT@H_576_0@ Let the sUn embrace YoU now@H_576_0@ Good lUck BeIjIng

《Good Luck Beijing》

