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Crying In The Rain

林子祥 lYrIc:carole kIng@H_621_0@ mUsIc:howard greenfIeld@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ I'll never let YoU see@H_621_0@ the waY mY broken heart Is hUrtIng me@H_621_0@ I've got mY prIde and I know how to hIde@H_621_0@ all mY sorrow and paIn@H_621_0@ I'll do mY crYIng In the raIn@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ If I waIt for cLoudY skIes@H_621_0@ YoU won't know the raIn from the tears In mY eYes@H_621_0@ YoU'll never know that I stIll love YoU so@H_621_0@ thoUgh the heartaches remaIn@H_621_0@ I'll do mY crYIng In the raIn@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ raIndrops FallIng from heaven@H_621_0@ wIll never wash awaY mY mIserY@H_621_0@ bUt sInce we're not Together@H_621_0@ I'll waIt for stormY weather@H_621_0@ to hIde these tears I hope YoU'll never see@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ somedaY when mY crYIng's done@H_621_0@ I'm gonna wear a Smile and walk In the sUn@H_621_0@ I maYbe a fool,bUt tIll then, darlIng YoU@H_621_0@ wIll never see me complaIn@H_621_0@ I'll do mY crYIng In the raIn@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ crYIng In the raIn@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

《Crying In The Rain》


First of May
The Second Time