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Don't go breaking my he

林子祥 wrItten bY ann orson and carte blanche

don’t go breakIng mY heart
I coUldn’t If I trIed
oh honeY If I get restless
babY YoU’re not that kInd

don’t go breakIng mY heart
YoU take the weIght off me
oh honeY when YoU knock on mY door
I gave YoU mY keY

noBody knows It
when I was down
I was YoUr cLown
noBody knows It noBody knows
rIght from The Start
I gave YoU mY heart oh~
I gave YoU mY heart

so don’t go breakIng mY heart
I won’t go breakIng YoUr heart
don’t go breakIng mY heart

and noBody told Us
’caUse noBody showed Us
and now It’s Up to Us gIrl
I thInk we can make It

so don’t mIsUnderstand me
YoU pUt the @R_723_2254@ In mY lIfe
YoU pUt the sparks to the flame
I’ve got YoUr heart In mY sIghts


《Don't go breaking my heart》


Southern nights
Never gonna fall in love again