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2infinity And Beyond

林俊杰 I've been goIng In cIrcles@H_316_0@ WIth no dIrectIon@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ RoUnd and roUnd I am spInnIng@H_316_0@ JUst when I thInk I'm movIng forward@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ I dIscover@H_316_0@ That I'm back at the beGinnIng@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ BUt mornIng comes I see the sUn rIse@H_316_0@ And It remInds me@H_316_0@ EverY daY Is a new daY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ And If It takes a mIllIon more trIes@H_316_0@ I'll never gIve Up@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ I know I wIll fInd a waY@H_316_0@ ThoUgh It's hard to see@H_316_0@ BUt the power Is Inside of me@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ If we dare to dream@H_316_0@ I know we can do anYthIng heY heY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ Love Is all we need@H_316_0@ Together we'll flY@H_316_0@ Oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ If we @R_657_3392@ belIeve@H_316_0@ We can reach the skY@H_316_0@ Oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ Oh oh oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ Oh oh oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ I've been goIng In cIrcles@H_316_0@ WIth no dIrectIon@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ RoUnd and roUnd I am spInnIng@H_316_0@ JUst when I thInk I'm movIng forward@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ I dIscover@H_316_0@ That I'm back at the beGinnIng@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ BUt mornIng comes I see the sUn rIse@H_316_0@ And It remInds me@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ EverY daY Is a new daY@H_316_0@ And If It takes a mIllIon more trIes@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ I'll never gIve Up@H_316_0@ I know I wIll fInd a waY@H_316_0@ ThoUgh It's hard to see@H_316_0@ BUt the power Is Inside of me@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ If we dare to dream@H_316_0@ I know we can do anYthIng heY heY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ Love Is all we need@H_316_0@ Together we'll flY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ Oh@H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ If we @R_657_3392@ belIeve@H_316_0@ We can reach the skY@H_316_0@ Oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ Oh oh oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ Oh oh oh@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ Love Is all we need@H_316_0@ Together we'll flY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ If we @R_657_3392@ belIeve@H_316_0@ We can reach the skY@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ To InfInItY and beYond@H_316_0@ @H_316_0@ 制作人:林俊杰@H_316_0@ 配唱制作:林俊杰@H_316_0@ 制作协调:GarY Leo@H_316_0@ 制作协力:周廷@H_316_0@ 鼓:Brendan BUckleY@H_316_0@ 吉:黄冠@H_316_0@ 和声编写:林俊杰@H_316_0@ 和声:林俊杰

《2infinity And Beyond》

