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I Am Alive

林俊杰 When I fear the skY mIght @R_723_2955@

and no one wIll hear mY call

I take a breath and see

I've all the strength I need

DaYs won't be the same

EverYthIng wIll change

Even moUntaIns over tIme

mUst get redefIned

I know, I know lIfe's worth lIvIng

I Keep on, I keep on gIvIng

I'm gIvIng It all I got

GIvIng It mY best shot

I Get Up, get Up and keep on TryIng

There Is no shame In crYIng

YesterdaYs are gone

I have what It takes

I have what It takes to hold on

I am brave and strong

I am everY song

I am here to shIne

I'm not afraId to flY

I am lovable

I am InvIncIble

I am toUgh enoUgh

And I'm readY to catch

the @R_723_2955@Ing skY

I am alIve

I am alIve

Yes I am

The wInd Is In mY face

and I'm feelIng oUt of place

It's me agaInst the entIre Human race

I know the dreams I chase

TheY wIll not be erased

TheY are mY savIng grace

I'm gonna make It

I know, I know lIfe's worth lIvIng

I keep on, keep on gIvIng

I'm gIvIng It all I got

GIvIng It mY best shot

I get Up, get Up and keep on TryIng

There Is no shame In crYIng

YesterdaYs are gone

I have what It takes

I have what It takes to hold on

I am brave and strong

I am everY song

I am here to shIne

I'm not afraId to flY

I am lovable

I am InvIncIble

And I am toUgh enoUgh

And I'm readY to catch

that @R_723_2955@Ing skY

I am brave and strong

I am everY song

I am here to shIne

I'm not afraId to flY

I am lovable

I'm InvIncIble

And I am toUgh enoUgh

And I'm readY to catch the @R_723_2955@Ing skY

I am alIve

《I Am Alive》

