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You Light Up My Life

林凡 @H_623_0@林凡

@H_623_0@YoU Light Up MY LIfe

@H_623_0@作词:Joe Brooks

@H_623_0@作曲:Joe Brooks

@H_623_0@编曲:Shah TahIr

@H_623_0@原唱:DebbY Boone

@H_623_0@So manY nIghts I'd sIt bY mY wIndow

@H_623_0@WaItIng for @R_109_1575@ to sIng me hIs song

@H_623_0@So manY dreams I kept deep Inside me

@H_623_0@Alone In the dark bUt now YoU've come along


@H_623_0@And YoU Light Up mY lIfe

@H_623_0@YoU gIve me hope to carrY on

@H_623_0@YoU Light Up mY daYs and fIll mY nIghts wIth song

@H_623_0@RollIn' at sea, adrIft on the water

@H_623_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_623_0@CoUld It be fInallY I'm tUrnIn' for home?

@H_623_0@FInallY a chance to saY 'HeY, I love YoU'

@H_623_0@Never agaIn to be all alone


@H_623_0@'caUse YoU, YoU Light Up mY lIfe

@H_623_0@YoU gIve me hope to carrY on

@H_623_0@YoU Light Up mY daYs and fIll mY nIghts wIth song

@H_623_0@It can't be wrong

@H_623_0@When It Feels so rIght

@H_623_0@'caUse YoU?.YoU Light Up mY lIfe

《You Light Up My Life》


Time After Time
Kiss Me