Shanghai Memories of 1945
I'm wonderIng how I came to be here
LYIng alone TryIng hard not to shed a tear
Remember daddY saId &qUot;BoYs don't staY for long&qUot;
TheY alwaYs thInk that there's somethIng wrong
I open Up mY eYes and I see
LIttle remInders of when YoU're here wIth me
I'm hooked to the telephone
Please YoU've got to call
I know YoU never promIsed anYthIng at all
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
MY last two weeks go bY and I staY
All alone In mY room wIth no one all daY
YoU mUst realIze YoU wIll never see
LIfe coUld be good If YoU @R_163_3392@ staYed wIth me
LYIng alone TryIng hard not to shed a tear
Remember daddY saId &qUot;BoYs don't staY for long&qUot;
TheY alwaYs thInk that there's somethIng wrong
I open Up mY eYes and I see
LIttle remInders of when YoU're here wIth me
I'm hooked to the telephone
Please YoU've got to call
I know YoU never promIsed anYthIng at all
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
ShanghaI Memories of 1945
I Don't crY, I Don't crY
MY last two weeks go bY and I staY
All alone In mY room wIth no one all daY
YoU mUst realIze YoU wIll never see
LIfe coUld be good If YoU @R_163_3392@ staYed wIth me
《Shanghai Memories of 1945》