Dreams - 江美琪 (MaggIe ChIang)
WrItten bY:StevIe NIcks
Now here go agaIn YoU saY
YoU want YoUr freedom
Well who am I to keep YoU down
It's Only rIght that YoUshoUld
@R_161_3704@ the waY YoU feel It
BUt lIsten carefUllY to the soUnd
Of YoUr lonelIness
LIke a heartbeat
DIrves YoU mad
In the stIllness of
RemembereIng what YoU had
And what YoU lost
And what YoU had
And what YoU lost
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
YoU'll know
Now here I go agaIn I see
The crYstal vIsIons
I keep mY vIsIons to mYself
It's Only me who wants to wrap
AroUnd YoUr dreams and
Have YoU anY dreams YoU lIke to sell
Dreams of lonelIness
LIke a heartbeats
DrIves YoU mad
In the stIllness of rememberIng
What YoU had
And what YoU lost
And what YoU had
And what YoU lost
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
YoU'll know
YoU konw
YoU'll know
YoU'll know
Dreams - 江美琪 (MaggIe ChIang)
WrItten bY:StevIe NIcks
Now here go agaIn YoU saY
YoU want YoUr freedom
Well who am I to keep YoU down
It's Only rIght that YoUshoUld
@R_161_3704@ the waY YoU feel It
BUt lIsten carefUllY to the soUnd
Of YoUr lonelIness
LIke a heartbeat
DIrves YoU mad
In the stIllness of
RemembereIng what YoU had
And what YoU lost
And what YoU had
And what YoU lost
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
YoU'll know
Now here I go agaIn I see
The crYstal vIsIons
I keep mY vIsIons to mYself
It's Only me who wants to wrap
AroUnd YoUr dreams and
Have YoU anY dreams YoU lIke to sell
Dreams of lonelIness
LIke a heartbeats
DrIves YoU mad
In the stIllness of rememberIng
What YoU had
And what YoU lost
And what YoU had
And what YoU lost
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
ThUnder Only happens when It's raInnIng
@R_161_3704@ers Only LOVE YOU when theY're @R_161_3704@Ing
TheY wIll.e and theY wIll go
When the raIn washes YoU clean
YoU konw
YoU'll know
YoU konw
YoU'll know
YoU'll know