唐诗 (《一次旅行一首歌·探访
TheY saId there was a man called LI
He's famoUs In the dYnastY
He do poeTry wIth poets In restaUrants
Left callIgraphY on the groUnd
An old sold wIne beYond the cItY
BY the road to the moat In the raIn
He saId that Is named an named Chang
So I belIeved the poet woUnd be foUnd
Ah I see great bUIldIngs
Ah In them poets drInk and sIng
Ah I pass the palace
Ah fLowers bloom aroUnd me
Ah I see BUddha statUe sIts
Ah I see the Emperor throUgh the street
Ah I pass a lantern
Ah It Light Up the poem on mY @R_313_2957@
I saw a man wear whIte In the raIn
JUst lIke the poet In mY dream
He took wIne and read a poem
JUst lIke the lYrIcs of thIs song
A poem wrItten for the Tang
TheY saId there was a man called LI
He's famoUs In the dYnastY
He do poeTry wIth poets In restaUrants
Left callIgraphY on the groUnd
An old sold wIne beYond the cItY
BY the road to the moat In the raIn
He saId that Is named an named Chang
So I belIeved the poet woUnd be foUnd
Ah I see great bUIldIngs
Ah In them poets drInk and sIng
Ah I pass the palace
Ah fLowers bloom aroUnd me
Ah I see BUddha statUe sIts
Ah I see the Emperor throUgh the street
Ah I pass a lantern
Ah It Light Up the poem on mY @R_313_2957@
I saw a man wear whIte In the raIn
JUst lIke the poet In mY dream
He took wIne and read a poem
JUst lIke the lYrIcs of thIs song
A poem wrItten for the Tang
《唐诗 (《一次旅行一首歌·探访古城西安》央视音乐频道主题曲)》
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